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Established in 2018, EduLink Training Academy provides a wide range of training programmes for young students and working adults, improving their results and work performances. 

Memory Training Programme

Our memory is central to everything we do. Without it, we'd forget what we just did, what we are planning to do, and even what we were in the middle of doing. Do you have the issues of forgetting passwords or PINs? Meeting time? Hotel room number? Airport gates? Or even car park lots?

In Edulink Training Academy’s flagship training module, the Highly Effective Learning Outcome (HELO) program, we provide a practical guide to using your memory, which is focus entirely on things that are directly useful to you in your everyday life. We are teaching wide range of memory techniques, from the basic through to the advance, from memorizing material effectively and easily - and for maintaining those memories for whatever period of time you might require them. This training would be suitable for young students and working adults to improve their results and work performance.

Effective Communication at Workplace

Effective workplace communication is the foundation of positive and cooperative working relationships. The objective of this employee communication training course is to teach employees the basics of effective workplace communication.


At the end of the course, trainees will be able to understand the benefits of effective workplace communication, recognize obstacles to effective communication, enhance communication skills, and communicate more effectively on the job.

Teambuilding - Embracing Diversity in Workplace

Over the past few years, we've seen businesses moving away from competitive work environments to workplaces where collaboration and co-operation between staff is seen as the key to success.

As part of this change more and more companies are undertaking regular team building activities. These activities can range from a short, problem-solving activity to a retreat lasting a couple of days. And whilst some people see team building activities as a ‘nice break’ from work, they do have a serious purpose: and that is to develop the skills and knowledge of your staff.

Brainpower at Work - Boosting Your Creativity for Problem Solving

Successful organizations rely on critical thinkers and creative thought leaders who can generate inventive solutions to everyday problems. In this training course, you gain the knowledge and skills needed to leverage left- and right-brain thinking, analyze problems, spur creativity, and implement innovative ideas in a practical way for your workplace.

Throughout the training program, you will be able to:

  • Make better decisions through critical thinking and creative problem solving

  • Develop your personal creativity

  • Select the best decision given the specific situation

  • Apply processes to assess work issues and problems

  • Transform your creativity into practical business solution

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our personnel to conduct Training Needs Analysis (TNA) for your company / department.

Mr. Kit Lim - 016 6687877

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